If the month of August were a tree, it was truly full of delightful fruits! The different committees of SHEC had a share of these sweet blessings:
EDUCATION COMMITTEEIn each Sunday of the month, values formation and skills development sessions are offered to the youth, especially to SHEC scholars. The weekly gathering continuously provides young people with guidance, encouragement, and monitoring on their personal and academic development. Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ facilitates the activities at the St. Hannibal Training Center in Pasay City, with the help of youth coordinator Ma. Victoria Infante.
HOUSING COMMITTEEOn August 6, 2009 a survey of the National Housing Authority (NHA) property in Balagbag Site was conducted to define its boundaries and right of way. Witnesses were the barangay chairman and his council, Mr. John Nadua of UPAO (Urban Poor Assistant Office ), Mr. Al and Mr. Noel of the Manila International Airport Administration (MIAA), Engineer Mon Salvador and Engineer Cortez of the NHA, and SHEC Housing Committee head, Ramon Espin.
ECO-FARM COMMITTEEThe topographical map of SHEC’s future eco-farm was joyfully presented by Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM) representatives Dr. Gani Urriza and Engineer Mamerto Martinez on August 12, 2009. The map was a result of months of painstaking efforts and visits of the BSWM team to the site in Norzagaray, Bulacan. SHEC Executive Director Fr. Dexter Prudenciano, RCJ, and Eco-farm Coordinator Jeffrey Abuan gladly received the comprehensive plan in behalf of SHEC. Engineer Vicente Toto Bañares and Richie OrnoñeZ were also present in the meeting held at the DENR compound in Visayas Avenue, Quezon City. With the map, SHEC is ready to proceed with the preparation stage of the planned eco-farm.
VALUES COMMITTEEAnother opportunity for people to enhance their relationship with God was the 3-day Life in The Spirit Seminar held on August 14 to 16 at the St. Hannibal Subdivision Phase II, Rodriguez Street, Malibay in Pasay City. Father Orville Cajigal, RCJ and the Ilaw in Panginoon Charismatic Community spearheaded the seminar which had as participants the Values Committee members and some SHaCC representatives.
COMMUNITY ORGANIZING COMMITTEEThe Port Area of Baseco Neighborhood Associations’ League (PABaNAL) shared their experiences in community organizing in a meeting with barangay officials on August 15 at the Barangay Baseco Covert Court, Port Area, Manila. PABaNAL leaders told their stories of immersion, mapping, visioning, SEC and BIR registration, agency visits, as well as their present situation. In so doing they were able to gain the support of the council, including Barangay Chairman Kristo Hispano, Kagawad Rey Campanera and other officials. Father Christopher Sabili, Baseco community organizer served as the adviser to this event.
HEALTH COMMITTEEBeneficiaries of the Feeding Program were successfully nourished back to health and cheerfully graduated from the program on August 19th. Blessings and thanksgiving were pronounced to benefactors who generously shared their resources, to the Health Committee members who implemented the program, and to parents and community leaders who cooperated and contributed to the triumphant ending of the project. Father Fernando Suarez and his team from the Mary Mother of the Poor Foundation graced the occasion.
ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEEResidents of St. Hannibal Subdivision Phase II joined a one-day Environmental Awareness Program conducted by the UP One Earth on August 21 in Malibay, Pasay City. Participants became more aware of the situation of Mother Earth, and as a personal action plan, everybody was encouraged to take care of nature.
month ended on August 30 with an inspiring Youth Formation activity focusing on Citizenship on Good Example. Brother Sherwin Santos, a youth himself, lectured on the topic of becoming responsible citizens.
ALMOST HEAVEN IS ALMOST HERE!The SHEC community celebrated a ground-breaking ceremony at the future site of the envisioned Almost Heaven Retreat Center in Awan Igid, Viewpoint, Banawe. On September 20, 2009 Father Orville Cajigal led the jubilant crowd of SHEC staff, volunteers, priests, local government officials and local residents in thanking the Lord for this gift of land. The donors themselves, Hon. And Mrs. Gualberto Lumauig and Family, graced the occasion. Also present were Barangay captain Robert Hangdaan, Father Bruno Rampazzo, RCJ, Banaue parish priest Father Francis Balaquit, SHEC Executive Director Father Dexter Prudenciano, RCJ, and Banaue Mayor Lino A. Madchiw.