St. Hannibal Empowerment Centre

St. Hannibal Empowerment Center (SHEC) is a religious organization of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus. It is a community of Spirit-led persons which aims to follow Jesus Christ in his union with his Father and in his proclamation of the kingdom of God. It is an inserted community among the squatters. The goal of SHEC is to empower the poor people of Metro Manila, Philippines, through housing, livelihood, education, health, waste management, youth and values formation.

Location: Pasay City, Metro Manila

Mission: Its mission is to empower the poorest of the poor and catalyze an integral Christian transformation of urban poor communities in collaboration with the local Church by a holistic process that addresses concerns on housing, livelihood, education, health, environment and sanitation, justice and peace, youth formation and values formation. The goals of SHEC consist of assisting in alleviating poverty among urban poor communities in Pasay and other cities in Metro Manila; and building the foundation of community transformation through intensive values formation. Its objectives are, specifically, to facilitate the organization and formation of people’s organization that are self-sufficient and empowered, facilitate the values and spiritual formation and capability building of urban poor leaders, to assist the urban poor / informal settlers of Pasay and other cities in Metro Manila in realizing their dreams of achieving security of tenure through in-city relocation, to facilitate the implementation of economic programs and basic social services in urban poor communities, and to facilitate access to formal education in favor of the poor and deserving students.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Due to the need to meet the quota needed for the Kingdom Mission, particularly the Housing Program for the Poor, the raffle which was originally scheduled to be drawn last September 4, 2010 has been postponed to October 30, 2010. Draw time is at 7PM, to be held at St. Hannibal Subdivision, Malibay, Pasay City. SHEC is hopeful that the extension will redound to the attainment of the quota in view of better service to the poor whom God loves so much. We pray and work more for the success of this Kingdom endeavor. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Buy Raffle Tickets to Help Poor Families

To bring Good News to the poor and oppressed -- this was Jesus’ mission, the very reason why he was sent (Cf. Lk 4:18, 43). It is also the very reason why the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus established the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center, Inc. (SHEC) which strives to continue Jesus’ mission by empowering the poor through an integral and holistic program comprising education, housing, livelihood, youth formation, ecology, justice and peace and values formation. To date, SHEC has already awarded 390 housing units to the poor families of Pasay City. The success of the program inspired His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, DD to initiate the establishment of SHEC at Baseco, Tondo. The Cardinal also actively supports the programs of SHEC through his Pondo ng Pinoy Foundation.

At present, SHEC is working for the sales of raffle tickets to augment the livelihood capital of the poor families. Suffering from loss of jobs because of the economic crisis which has been worsened by recent calamities, they have to strengthen and sustain their livelihood projects in order to meet their basic needs, most especially the amortization of their houses. We appeal to your generosity to help our poor Filipino brothers and sisters by buying their raffle tickets. In so doing, you can emulate the first Christians who saw to it that no one among them was poor because they generously shared their resources (Cf. Acts 2:43-47). Also, radical sharing with the poor and needy is a clearly spelled-out criterion for salvation (Cf. Mk 10:17-27; Mt 25:31-46). May God reward your generosity with abundant blessings!