St. Hannibal Empowerment Centre

St. Hannibal Empowerment Center (SHEC) is a religious organization of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus. It is a community of Spirit-led persons which aims to follow Jesus Christ in his union with his Father and in his proclamation of the kingdom of God. It is an inserted community among the squatters. The goal of SHEC is to empower the poor people of Metro Manila, Philippines, through housing, livelihood, education, health, waste management, youth and values formation.

Location: Pasay City, Metro Manila

Mission: Its mission is to empower the poorest of the poor and catalyze an integral Christian transformation of urban poor communities in collaboration with the local Church by a holistic process that addresses concerns on housing, livelihood, education, health, environment and sanitation, justice and peace, youth formation and values formation. The goals of SHEC consist of assisting in alleviating poverty among urban poor communities in Pasay and other cities in Metro Manila; and building the foundation of community transformation through intensive values formation. Its objectives are, specifically, to facilitate the organization and formation of people’s organization that are self-sufficient and empowered, facilitate the values and spiritual formation and capability building of urban poor leaders, to assist the urban poor / informal settlers of Pasay and other cities in Metro Manila in realizing their dreams of achieving security of tenure through in-city relocation, to facilitate the implementation of economic programs and basic social services in urban poor communities, and to facilitate access to formal education in favor of the poor and deserving students.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Rogate: Spirituality of the Manger. Jesus’ birth is usually associated with celebrations, even too secular or vain ones like parties, programs, vacation in luxurious places and the like. As such, the essence of Jesus’ being one of and among us is often relegated to the margins, if not left to oblivion. Jesus was born in a manger. Being so, he has put forth a strong message that God has embraced poverty in order to save his people from poverty. This challenges Christians to live simply that others may simply live. Such a spirituality of the manger was carried out by St. Hannibal. He embraced the poor because he wanted them to be uprooted from their inhumane conditions. It is also the spirituality which SHEC strives to live and promote, especially this month of December.

Health Seminar. Holistic development necessarily involves health concerns. Needless to say, Jesus was a prophet-healer. Part of their continuing know-how formation on health were the health seminar sessions undertaken by   Ms. Tess Espino, Ms. Nelia Cayas, Ms. Rose Bahia, and five leaders at the St. Hannibal Training Center last December 6-7, 2014. Said sessions were the 6th and 7th among a series of health formation programs.  AYOM Sportsfest. On same day, Dec. 6, some members of the Rogate Youth Ministry-SHEC Chapter (RYMSC) core group participated in the Archdiocesan Youth of Manila (AYOM) Sportsfest. RYMSC’s presence was a manifestation of their unity with and support for AYOM.

Construction Supervision Seminar. With an excellent facilitating done by Arch. Anne Santos, Orestes Idanan, Gemma Ortega, SHEC and SHaCC Phase 17 were oriented on the details of construction supervision. This seminar was conducted at the Social Housing Finance Corporation, Paseo de Roxas cor. Makati Ave., Makati City, last Decemcer 10-11, 2014.

First Aid Seminar. Last Dec. 14, 2014, some leaders and members of the RYMSC participated in a First Aid Seminar held at the St. Hannibal Training Center, 584-A E. Cornejo St., Malibay, Pasay City. The activity was meant to enhance the knowledge and skills of the youth with regard to first aid.

Landowner Paid. December 22, 2014 is a date to  remember as the landowner of one of the housing projects of SHEC was paid through a check released by the Social Housing Finance Corporation, Paseo de Roxas cor. Makati Ave., Makati City.

Christmas Parties. Seizing the occasion of Jesus’ birth to strengthen their bonds and manifest their love for one another, SHEC employees, volunteers and their families as well as the leaders and members of the Fathers’ committee celebrated Christmas parties last December 23 and 29, 2014. The celebrations were held at the St. Hannibal Training Center, 580 E. Cornejo St., Malibay, Pasay City. Prior to the events, preparations were done through a series of meetings and activities conducted last December 18 and 21, 2014. See more photos at our facebook page.

Christmas Recollection. One of the best ways to ponder on the message of Christmas is to be connected to God through a recollection. Accordingly, Fr. Orville R. Cajigal, RCJ, Ruth Valmoria, some leaders and members of RYMSC, and two facilitators from BYM took some time at St. Paul Convent, F.B. Harrison St., Pasay City in order to reflect, share their reflections and strengthen their bond.

RYMSC Sportsfest. To strengthen the bond among leaders and members, the RYMSC conducted a sportsfest at the ROGATE Center, 24 Calcutta St., Merville Park, Paranaque City. The joyful activity was held last December 28, 2015.