St. Hannibal Empowerment Centre

St. Hannibal Empowerment Center (SHEC) is a religious organization of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus. It is a community of Spirit-led persons which aims to follow Jesus Christ in his union with his Father and in his proclamation of the kingdom of God. It is an inserted community among the squatters. The goal of SHEC is to empower the poor people of Metro Manila, Philippines, through housing, livelihood, education, health, waste management, youth and values formation.

Location: Pasay City, Metro Manila

Mission: Its mission is to empower the poorest of the poor and catalyze an integral Christian transformation of urban poor communities in collaboration with the local Church by a holistic process that addresses concerns on housing, livelihood, education, health, environment and sanitation, justice and peace, youth formation and values formation. The goals of SHEC consist of assisting in alleviating poverty among urban poor communities in Pasay and other cities in Metro Manila; and building the foundation of community transformation through intensive values formation. Its objectives are, specifically, to facilitate the organization and formation of people’s organization that are self-sufficient and empowered, facilitate the values and spiritual formation and capability building of urban poor leaders, to assist the urban poor / informal settlers of Pasay and other cities in Metro Manila in realizing their dreams of achieving security of tenure through in-city relocation, to facilitate the implementation of economic programs and basic social services in urban poor communities, and to facilitate access to formal education in favor of the poor and deserving students.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Rogate: Spirituality of sharing in the Passion, Death and Ressurection of Jesus. Kingdom work is much like the the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. It requires not only sacrifice of time and treasure, but also sacrifice of immersing oneself in the concrete, flesh and blood realities of living in the slums and embracing the lifestyle of urban poor communities. But the small and big success in the programs and projects, not to mention the contentment and joy of an authentic Kingdom apostle, are more than enough reasons to feel and claim a taste of the resurrection of Jesus. This aspect of the Rogate spirituality is one source of SHEC's inspiration as it joins hands with the poor and the oppressed in their pilgrimage towards the Kingdom of God.

RYMSC Conducts Theater Workshop. Aside from being entertaining and an avenue for creativity, theater arts can be useful in raising and shaping consciousness on Kingdom works. Accordingly, a theater workshop was conducted at the St. Hannibal Training Center 584-A E. Cornejo St., Malibay, Pasay City with teacher Ariel as facilitator. Some leaders and members of the RYMSC attended the workshop which was set last April 6-14, 2015. The day after, April 15, 2015 the participants had a simple Graduation from the short course. 

Pilgrimage-like Recollection/Outing. After a tiring year of Kingdom apostolate, and aptly after the feast of the Resurrection, symbolic of the reward of life and victory after the torments of crucifixion, SHEC admin and staff took time to be refreshed both physically and spirituality by having a recollection/outing last April 22 to 25, 2015. This year's R&R cum Recollection is quite unique in the sense that it was like a pilgrimage as it took place in different areas, to wit: Hundred Islands, Pangasinan (April 22), Benguet (April 23-24) and Sagada, Mountain Province (April 25). 

SHEC Participates in the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Remarkable in St. Hannibal is his special devotion to the promotion of vocations, particularly for the gift of holy apostles to work in God's vineyard. Manifesting this Rogationist charism, Fr. Orville R. Cajigal, RCJ and some leaders and members of the RYMSC participated in the celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations held at the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary ParishMultinational Village, Sucat, Paranaque City last April 25-26, 2015.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015


Rogate: Spirituality of Reaching Out vs Globalization of Indifference. In his Lenten message this March, 2015 Pope Francis spoke about globalization of indifference. The Pope describes it as a "selfish attitude of indifference" which "has taken on global proportions... It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to confront."

The Pope states further, "In the second place, every Christian community is called to go out of itself and to be engaged in the life of the greater society of which it is a part, especially with the poor and those who are far away." 

 The Kingdom mission concretized at SHEC is a way to respond to the challenge of Pope Francis in his message this March. 

Welcome, Father Ron, SVD! The Good News to the poor happening at SHEC and SHaCC is proof that God's wonders never cease. And kindred spirits come to share in that experience, and to share theirs too. Last March 1, 2015 Fr. Ron Sandoval, SVD visited SHEC and SHaCC to meet the youth and observe programs and projects of the communities. Sharing of significant experiences on Kingdom works took place. The moments of learning and togetherness were indeed marks of the Kingdom truly alive! And needless to say, it is a form of reaching out that could serve as antidote to the globalization of indifference.

Dance Classes Start. Spirituality, they say, is a form of dance to the beat and music of the Spirit. No wonder, liturgies are sometimes celebrated in dances, as worship should be based on authentic spirituality. It is but proper and fitting then that summer dance classes were started last March 2, 2015. Through this project, the youth not only can enhance their talent in dancing, but can also contribute to creating richer liturgies suited to Kingdom works in the urban poor setting. Involved in the classes were Benedict Andrade, Antonette Gaviola, Tricia Tuble, Vanessa Batiao, Jennifer Sumbise and Mitch Buenaflor.

Happy Birthday, Father Jiggs! March 18 is a very fortunate day, for on it, a priest, who has dedicated his ministry to doing Kingdom works, was born. Fr Orville Cajigal, RCJ, or Father Jiggs as known to many, has devoted his years as priest since ordination to date,in youth formation and other empowerment projects of SHEC. His passion to continue Jesus' Kingdom mission indeed exudes from his being, radiating more as he stays zealous and happy in serving the poor communities catered by SHEC. Ad multos annos, Father Jiggs!